

What an odd holiday this is, so overshadowed by the Christmas season. Barely standing on it's own feet - but at the same time so like Christmas in that the real meaning is very lost, and people just use it as an excuse to take off work to eat lots of food. And then people complain that the true meaning is lost. But who cares? Who cares about the pilgrims. Yes, it's good what they did, it's good to know the history of your country. The point has shifted from a history lesson, and the fall harvest, to just a time where people who love each other have an excuse to get together and show it. Yay! I didn't mean for that whole thing to sound grumpy, if it did.

I am following in my usual Thanksgiving tradition of sleeping until halfway through the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (shuffling in around the Snoopy balloon) drinking coffee, starting food prep.

"All right everyone, its 2:30, that means dinnertime, because for some reason on Thanksgiving dinner is at 2:30" -Lois Griffin

Five Things I'm Particularly Thankful for This Year:
1. Sarah and Josh for letting me come over and be family for their Thanksgiving.
2. My family, for letting me swoop in and spend most of my Maryland time playing music with my friends and liking me for whatever (however little) time I can spend at home.
3. Nicole and Jenny White. They are the greatest people, and I have known them forever, they have put up with me for over five years, through all my moving around and away and back.
4. The fact that this year, I am finally, finally finished with school, and finally getting paid to do what I've been doing for years anyway.
5. The discovery that no matter what state I'm in, I can find people to play string quartet music with. Thanks especially to Three Hits and a Miss (Red Wing, MN) and the Chroma String Quartet (Washington D.C.) (How'd you like that shameless plugging?)

There are more things I'm thankful for, but I've gotta get cooking. :) Hope everyone has a wonderful day, full of love and food and napping!

(apologies- I have both recital and french party posts pending, I'm just waiting on some pictures)

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