

Let's talk about my lent endeavors for a minute.

Not drinking is fine, more annoying than anything else. I've actually come to the same conclusion about not drinking as I did about not eating meat, last year during my vegetarian phase. It turns out that at home, I don't eat a lot of meat anyway, and it's no problem not to drink at home - but going out, restaurants don't usually have super yummy vegetarian options, and it is completely annoying when everyone else is out and drinking yummy beers or bourbons that I would very much like to try, and I can't. It's two more weeks (from yesterday), so I'll stick it out, but I probably won't be going cold turkey again anytime soon.

I gave up pizza for lent, mostly as a healthy decision in the first place. I thought it would be easier than it was. It was fine for a few days, and then last night I ate a bunch of pizza. It was 2 for 1's at Mafioza's, and the torture of not being allowed to drink either just made me sad. I'm still not drinking, but I realized that giving up both my favorite things at the same time was a hard decision. I'm still cutting back, but the binge after a week was apparently unavoidable.

Conclusion? I don't have a whole lot of self control when it comes to food. I like it a lot.
I guess it's better than most other addictions one could have.
(in related news, I've stopped biting my fingernails for the 356th time)
Happy Leap Day, by the way. Go take a leap and do something that scares you! I did.

P.S. Could someone please explain pinterest to me? I feel 80 years old, I don't get it.



This is a pretty boring social experiment. Apparently its no big deal at all for me to not be drinking. I was annoyed when everyone was tasting yummy bourbon for half price bourbon and burgers on Monday, but I didn't give in.

That's all.

How bout a challenge? Giving up pizza for lent. There you go. There's some torture.

Here's a pretty picture:


it has been determined that i don't have a heart

Yesterday, a video on facebook went by, as they will. It was a small puppy that had gotten stuck down a pipe. They could hear it whining and whimpering, but couldnt see it, despite many attempts with cameras and plumbing tricks. They cut open the pipe, and still couldnt the puppy. They finally brought in large machinery to dig down around the pipe and finally rescued the puppy.

The comments on this video were things like "oh goodness, I cried." "faith in humanity: restored!", and other things along those lines.

Then I felt a little insensitive. Puppies are cute. I'm glad this one got rescued. Yay.

And yet, I get all googly and talk in a baby voice when I am presented with a set of tiny drill bits. Drill bittys, if you will. Look how cute it is! Oh my!

So. Apparently I relate more to inanimate objects than I do to, say, this:

(ok, who am I kidding. that's pretty adorable.)


Day 2

Well, I had a dream last night that I had three beers on the first day, and then I was very ashamed that I couldn't even make it a day. So, even though DreamBecka is apparently an alcoholic, RealBecka is doing just fine. The real test will be this Monday, a gathering of luthiers, the point of which is to drink together and talk about luthier things. It will be annoying to not be able to get a drink. But hey, that's the point of this whole endeavor, isn't it?

IN other news, I'm tired of the Nashville winter rain, and I found myself complaining yesterday to a person who lives in Washington state. Needless to say, he was unsympathetic.


Sobriety: Day 1

For those of you who are long time readers, you know that a while ago I attempted a week of vegetarianism. I have no problem with meat (clearly), and I wasn't really looking for a permanent life change, but I wanted to see if it was something I could do.

This month, a similar experiment: cutting out alcohol from my diet. One of my good friends recently did this, and it inspired me to try it myself. I don't think I drink too much, or that I have a problem or anything, but I just want to see how it goes. So many social situations include alcoholic beverages, so will I be able to withstand temptation?

It's not for very long. My birthday is March 13, so in between now and then, I will not be drinking anything! Stay tuned for updates!

It is lunchtime on Day 1. So far, so good :)



Something so simple as a cold can turn even the bravest heart into a sad, whiny baby.

Today I am a sad and whiny baby. I wouldn't even be at work, except that the other luthiers all happen to be out of town this weekend, and someone needs to be at the shop in case of any emergencies. String instrument emergencies, don't laugh, it happens.

Yesterday, a violinist called up and needed her bow fixed immediately - the silver winding had come undone, and her senior recital is Saturday. Not something that you can drop off and leave for a week.

One time, Edgar Meyer had a broken tuning gear on his bass, and called up frantically saying he had Bela Fleck and a bunch of other people over at his house right then to record and needed it to be fixed right then.

Another time, Elvis Presley said the world would end if we didn't glue up an open seam on his viola.

Two truths and a lie. My point is, I'm snuggled in a blanket and eating soup and being very anti-social, but at my bench instead of on my couch, and I feel very crappy. And yes, in my brainworld, Elvis is secretly a violist. He'd probably be mad that I've outed him on my blog. To all two of my readers.


a day in the life

Outside my window… greywhite sky, gravel parking lot, alleyway, old houses, Music Row.

I am thinking… about what I will be doing the rest of the week.

I am thankful for… this job. It is easy to take something so great for granted, but doing what I love pays the bills, and I'm luckier than most.

From the kitchen… hot soup and hot lemon tea. Perfect for today.

I am wearing… a new purple shirt, jeans, and boots.

I am creating… order in a world of broken, dirty chaos.

I am going… to Dickson tonight to play string quartets with some of my favorite people, and drink prosecco by a large fireplace.

I am reading… The Contributor, a newspaper by homeless people.

I am hearing… Beethoven's 7th. Cold blah days make me want to listen to Beethoven.

Around the house… violins, string instruments, tools, horse hair.

One of my favorite things… my old scuffed up violin mug.

A few plans for the rest of the week… a friend's birthday tomorrow, a chocolate martini party on friday, irish music on saturday!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing…