
violin lessons!

Tomorrow, I start up my spring semester of violin lessons. I'm excited! I have a really good slew of students this year. I've never til the recent couple years thought of myself as the teacher type, but when it's good, it's good.

This sort of thing helps:

But I still like teaching adults best. Even though they get discouraged initially - because learning the violin sounds terrible at first, and they know it (where a 5 year old has no idea how bad it is, and forges ahead no matter what) - adults learn so much more quickly, and blow through the easy things pretty quickly. Once they understand that it'll take some time, they can joke about it, and get through it. I always admire when someone works hard even when it doesn't sound good, and won't for a while. (and I know when that 13 year old kid is stalling and trying to distract me from the fact that he didn't practice. can't foo me! I've been there!)

In other news, has anyone ever noticed how many cheese-related commercials there are on television these days? As if I need motivation to eat more cheese. Psh.

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