The weather was weird all day - very warm, sunny, windy. There was a tornado watch in effect for the whole day, and it was supposed to get very bad in the late afternoon. There was an interesting variety of reactions to the whole situation, my own was nearer to the cynical "it's going to hit outside the city and not right on top of me" opinion. (rather than the other side of the spectrum: "ALL THE MATTRESSES IN THE WORLD CANNOT KEEP ME SAFE FROM THIS EARTH SHATTERING TORNADO MESS" or "atmitwckmsftestm" for short)

It got dark, and I went out to the front porch with my cup of tea to wait for the apocolypse. (Nashville was really treating it like the end of the world. Schools closed early, everything cancelled due to paranoid atmitwckmsftestm-ers. I stayed at work, because I don't have a basement at home, and well, if I'm going to die in a tornado I'd rather be with my friends at work than alone above a garage.
As predicted, it got very bad at about 4pm. We heard there was an official tornado warning, and it started raining very hard. So, of course, we all were on front porch watching it. And ran around in it..
(Danielle "blowing away")
Then it started hailing really hard, and we went inside. The electricity flickered, but didn't go out! (I did worry enough at one point to make sure I had my violin and my computer with me, of course)
Here's a video I took of the hail. (It was supposed to be a picture, not a video, hence my surprised "oh!" at the beginning, just fyi.)Look at how big some of the the hail was:

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