
it has been determined that i don't have a heart

Yesterday, a video on facebook went by, as they will. It was a small puppy that had gotten stuck down a pipe. They could hear it whining and whimpering, but couldnt see it, despite many attempts with cameras and plumbing tricks. They cut open the pipe, and still couldnt the puppy. They finally brought in large machinery to dig down around the pipe and finally rescued the puppy.

The comments on this video were things like "oh goodness, I cried." "faith in humanity: restored!", and other things along those lines.

Then I felt a little insensitive. Puppies are cute. I'm glad this one got rescued. Yay.

And yet, I get all googly and talk in a baby voice when I am presented with a set of tiny drill bits. Drill bittys, if you will. Look how cute it is! Oh my!

So. Apparently I relate more to inanimate objects than I do to, say, this:

(ok, who am I kidding. that's pretty adorable.)

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