The problem with working on cruise ships, or leading any sort of travel-y lifestyle, is that you meet great people, and you get to know them very well, and then you all go off to different corners of the world and may never see each other again. My cruise gig was two years ago exactly, but I have kept up with three incredible people from that ship - and through them, I've met some other incredible people.
Yesterday, all of these awesome cruise people (except one, and I'll see her in two weeks), on two different ships, were in Miami at the same time. A little while ago, around the end of February (when we first realized this was happening, and when plane tickets were cheap) we started planning the day. And since I enjoy very much making things more epic than they already are, I didn't tell Full Tilt that I was going to be there. (they just thought they were meeting up with Ken for lunch - no idea that I was flying down for the day to see them)(because no one expects awesome people to show up a thousand miles away from where they're supposed to be).
Here is their reaction as they walked into the restaurant and saw me there:
So much happy all in one place!
We had a great lunch together, made some faraway plans to see each other again, then ran some errands. Too soon, they had to get back to their ship, the Millennium.
It would have been nice to have more time (and I wanted so badly just to go on their ship with them and go on a cruise - but I have too much to do on land right now) So then we walked around, found the water, and sat by it for a bit. The weather could not have been nicer!

My flight home connected through DC - if I had been able to get out and see all my DC folks, that would have made the day even better. But a Potbelly sandwich sufficed (Tennessee doesnt have Potbellys, so whenever I get a chance for a delicious sandwich, I have to take it!) By the way, the Reagan National airport is pretty swell. Free wifi, charging stations all over the place, all the good Maryland food in a row? I enjoyed it.
Then I flew back to Nashville. 2,630 miles total.
This awesome day was brought to you by:
The Ken Ge Center for Shenannigans and Laundry Studies
American Airlines
PF Changs
The Atlantic Ocean
The Celebrity Millenium and Equinox
Reagan National Airport
Apple, Inc.
Potbelly Sandwich Shop